Questions, Learning & Potential

I spend a lot of valuable time with my children each day. We do all types of different things; cooking, working out, house chores, brushing the dogs, going to the library and lots of creative play. I do things that challenge them. They do things that challenge me. We have adventures, learn new things and try to keep busy. 

During this time I often sit back and watch them in awe. They are curious and want to learn about everything I am doing. They ask A LOT of questions. Don’t believe me? Try explaining to a 5-year-old why women have to shave their legs (I still don’t know why)? Get where I am coming from now?

The point is that somewhere along the way we stop asking questions. Especially really curious questions that require time, effort, and thought. We also limit our willingness to try new things, be adventurous and learn.

Every single day I continue to develop my leadership skills (my 7 Habits to be specific) through my children’s curiosity. Be proactive. Think win-win. Seek first to understand, then be understood. The list goes on.

So what does this have to do with business? Try out these questions.

  • When was the last time you talked with your employees about their role(s)?

  • Are you using your employees to their greatest potential?

  • What hasn't been getting done in your business and who works for you today that could help?

  • What do your employees enjoy doing?

  • Do you know the long-term career aspirations of your team?

  • What is the best way to accomplish the workload of your organization from the employee’s perspective?

People are capable of so much and very rarely do they have a chance to do their greatest work. Listen to what your employees have to say. Learn from them and use that to teach others. Allow them the time and flexibility to try new things. Create an environment where asking questions is encouraged and expected. Be transparent and willing to work through difficult situations. 

This may sound “soft” to some of you, but let me explain for a minute why this is so valuable. If you are doing some of the things I mentioned above, your employees will likely be engaged. Employee engagement by definition means “one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and takes positive action to further the organization's reputation and interests.” (Source: Wikipedia)

And when employees are engaged guess what happens? Businesses see success and progress in lots of other areas. Here are a few examples. (Source: Gallup)

  • 21% higher productivity

  • 37% lower absenteeism

  • 41% fewer safety incidents

  • 41% fewer quality defects

  • 28% less internal theft or shrinkage

The moral of the story is that people, your employees, want you to ask them questions (they probably have questions for you too!)  Together you can learn,  challenge each other, and accomplish more than you ever thought was possible.  The potential is endless!


Termination Letters??


The Coach